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“The recycling of failed and alleged corrupt politicians perpetuates a vicious cycle of underperformance, lack of accountability and public disillusionment”, Dr. Tolbert Thomas Jallah, Regional Executive Director of the Faith and Justice Network (FJN), stated these assertions during a brief conference held at the FJN’s offices.
Addressing the press with an intense and persistent sense of sadness regarding what the country has endured with poverty, underdevelopment, and corruption and instead of rising above the ashes of the past continues to recycle the same discredited individuals with tainted records, questionable integrity, and a history of failure to take up critical positions in government.
Furthermore, the FJN Director emphasized that Liberia is at a crossroads at which it must decide whether to remain on the path of mediocrity, corruption, and stagnation, or whether to accept the challenge of building a nation based on justice, integrity, and accountability. In light of this, he states that recycling failed leaders poses a direct threat to the country’s future. As citizens of Liberia, they will not remain idle and permit Liberia to continue on its present course.
In the opinion of Dr. Jallah, recycling failed or alleged corrupt politicians perpetuates a vicious cycle of underperformance, lack of accountability, and disillusionment among the public. He stated that many of the individuals appointed to high profile government positions have either been implicated in corruption or have from time to time shown a greater concern for their own personal gains than for the well-being of the citizens. In maintaining his stance, he urged that such practices should cease immediately.
During the press conference, Director Jallah stated that the continued presence of such individuals in government undermines public trust since individuals with tainted records are reappointed to key positions at the expense of Liberians.
In his speech, Director Jallah urged all citizens to oppose the appointment of recycle, failed, and alleged corrupt politicians into leadership positions, and in particular, positions as representatives of the country to international bodies by the government. As a result, he calls it a betrayal of the sacred trust the Liberian people have placed in our public servants.
His statement stated that the Faith and Justice Network believes in the importance of good governance and integrity. In Liberia, there are a number of competent, qualified, and capable leaders who can lead the country with honor and distinction, and he sees no reason for recycling, failed and alleged corrupt politicians. Now is the time to give new voices untainted an opportunity to contribute to Liberia’s development.
As a first step toward achieving development in Liberia, it is imperative that the country elects and appoints individuals who have the country’s interests at heart, who are committed to transparency and accountability, and who are eager to see the country succeed, according to the Director.
As a consequence, Dr. Jallah urged the government to stop appointing failed and alleged corrupt politicians to high-profile positions nationally and internationally, as well as to address recommendations from the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission and the Liberia Civil Service Agency. Stop the re-appointment of individuals with a history of incompetence, corruption, or misconduct to national and international bodies, the Executive Director opined.
The Director urged those responsible for vetting candidates for public offices to conduct proper scrutiny, particularly, those who are to be appointed to international bodies are to undergo rigorous vetting processes involving the examination of their qualifications and a track record of success in their previous positions.
In addition, he urged the government to strengthen anti-craft institutions so that they can perform their mandates without interference from politics, since the anti-craft institutions play an essential role in ensuring that those appointed to leadership positions are not involved in malpractices. He encouraged Liberians to participate actively in the governance process and to exercise their democratic rights by refusing recycle, failed and corrupt politicians.
As a representative of the Faith and Justice Network, Dr. Jallah asks the government to prioritize the best interest of the country over political patronage and self-interest, and to demand leadership that is committed to honesty, dedication, and service to the country.

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